“Why did you come with me?” he asks with sincere eyes.
“I… I didn't have a choice”
“You did, but you came anyway, if you didn't know me then why did you run with me?”
“You grabbed me, I was scared, There were people after me I don't know!" I answer,
“That’s not why. You trusted me, god Phoenix how can you not know who I am?” he asks continuing to hold on to me.
“Because I don’t! I'm sorry but for the last time I'm not who ever you think I am I don't know any of you!" At that he takes my hand and places it over his heart. I feel his heart beating rapidly, he leans forward and kisses me. I don’t know what to do so I do nothing.
"Well that got us absolutely nowhere Luke, what next roses?" TK adds from across the room.
Until tonight my life was basic, boring at best. Everyday I live with the fact that I have no family, romance or any real human connections. Outside of my clients I have no one, so maybe I want to know, maybe I want to remember who he is, who they are if only for a little while.
I do feel him, I feel the connection between us, possibly because I long for one. Should believe the four people standing around me? Something within tells me that I should, intuition perhaps? I won't pretend to know what’s happening to me but the truth is, it's a fact that someone wanted me dead tonight.
Luke releases me and takes a step back, “I’m sorry” he says, and then walks away
“wait!” I call out to him after some hesitation but it too late he's already gone.
After having observed my reaction to Luke's departure TK begins formal introductions. “Look phoenix I don't know what this is about but since you claim to have amnesia or something I'm TK, this is Grey, this one’s Hess and that guy who’s heart you just broke is Luke, Your boyfriend." “Come on TK, lay off she’ll remember us in no time, won’t you Phoe? You could never forget me could ya luv?” says Grey
I look at them, and solidly place faces with names. I rub my forearm as it begins to burn.
“I gave you a cocktail” Hess says unexpectedly “A shot, a little something to stop the room from spinning and a little something to wake you up. It worked right?”
“Um yeah, thanks”
“Hurts like hell, doesn’t it?” Grey asks with a laugh.
“Funny" I reply flatly
I look around curious about the goings on in this equipment filled room. "Ok, say I believe you people and that I do know you, will somebody please tell me what’s going on ?”
“Oh, this is gonna be good, dude I promise this will blow your mind!” Hess says as he goes on to demonstrate my head exploding.
I no longer think I want to know but unfortunately I've already asked.
“Let me tell her, let me tell her!” Grey says with extreme excitement. I can’t help but notice their behavior and to be honest it disturbs me.
“Go on then tell her, go on tell her!” Hess says as he taps Grey’s arm anxiously.
"You should sit down" Grey says and TK slides a stool toward me with her foot.
“What I’m about to tell you is going to sound unbelievable, ridiculous even but I beg you to believe it because it’s true and because it may save your life. In fact it already has”
After a deep breath I respond...“Ok what is it?”